Web Developer | Front-end Specialist | UX Enthusiast


Web Developer | Front-end Specialist | UX Enthusiast

I was born and raised in Hong Kong 🇭🇰 , and currently living in London 🇬🇧 .

My aspiration is to deliver exceptional design solutions to address problems and meet people’s actual needs.

I love programming - a language with superpower! It makes my playful thinking ideas comes alive.

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Javascript / Node.jsTypescriptVue / Nuxt.jsPiniaReact / Next.jsStorybookTailwind CSSSass / ScssApolloGraphQLPythonOCRSeleniumWeb ScrapingSQLphp / LaravelMongoDBServerless / FunctionsAWS / Google Cloud / FirebaseStripeTwilioShopifyGSAPThree.jsjQueryEJSArduinoCypress.jsJestProcessing


FigmaUX DesignPhotoShopIllustratorAfter EffectAnimationMotion GraphicsDavinci ResolvePremiere ProBasic 3D ModelingPhotography
"My Hello World"
by Ryan Kwan

Kubrick Group - 2022

I developed and maintained a e-learning platform for Kubrick Group.

StorybookJavaScriptDesignVue / Nuxt.jsReact / Next.jsApollo GraphQLFigmaGSAPTailwind

Gymism Club - 2021

It is a coach matching platform. It includes information about personal fitness trainers and promotes a wide range of sports.

NuxtVueFirebasePWAApolloGrahpQLStripeCloud Run

Car8 - 2020

A used-car trading platform made of Vue and Laravel.

LaravelVueUBAStripe PaymentVuexSQLPython OCR

IPCC - 2019

An event website made of pure HTML and CSS.

HTMLCSSGraphic DesignAOS Animation

Facebook Add Friends Bot - 2018

An application that automatically login to Facebook and sends friend requests to the others. With a function to remove all friend requests as well.

JavaSeleniumWeb Scraping

Contact me

Ryan Kwan • Web Developer | Front-end Specialist | UX Enthusiast